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  • Wednesday, November 26, 2014 6:45 PM | Anonymous
    World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh

    Analysis and opinion concerning Hagel’s resignation, negotiations with Iran, Syria, Israel/Palestine, drones in Pakistan, China, Europe, and protests in Mexico. Plus, extra articles on U.S. foreign policy and the global energy market…

    November 26, 2014

    Defense Secretary Hagel Steps Down 

    The Fall Guy,” David Rothkopf – Foreign Policy, November 24, 2014

    Iran Talks to Continue 

    The Silver Lining of an Extension of the P5+1 Nuclear Talks with Iran,” Gregory D. Koblentz – The National Interest, November 24, 2014

    Iran Nuclear Talks Extension Raises Risk of Cataclysmic Failure,” Simon Tisdall – The Guardian, November 24, 2014

    Will it Play in Persepolis?” Nancy Gallagher – Foreign Policy, November 21, 2014

    ISIS/Radical Islam Well-Organized and Expanding

    The Banality of Islamic State,” Cam Simpson – BloombergBusinessweek, November 20, 2014

    Islamic State and a South Asian Caliphate,” SK Chatterji – The Diplomat, November 23, 2014

    The Iran-Cuba-Venezuela Nexus,” Mary Anastasia O’Grady – The Wall Street Journal, November 23, 2014

    Israel/Palestine Tensions Growing

    Conspiracy Theories and Palestinian Terror,” Jonathan S. Tobin – Commentary, November 21, 2014

    Hate Thy Neighbor,” William Saletan – Slate, November 21, 2014

    The Age of the Lone Wolf Intifada,” Gregg Carlstrom – Politico Magazine, November 20, 2014


    The Unblinking Stare – The Drone War in Pakistan,” Steve Coll – The New Yorker, November 24, 2014

    China Rising

    The New Nuance in Chinese Diplomacy,” Peter Drysdale – East Asia Forum, November 24, 2014

    China Scores,” Matthew Goodman and Ely Ratner – Foreign Affairs, November 23, 2014

    Massive Rail Deal Gives China’s Push Into Africa a Major Win,” Simon Engler – Foreign Policy, November 21, 2014

    Europe Regrouping

    The New European Disorder,” Ivan Krastev and Mark Leonard – European Council on Foreign Relations, November 2014

    Mexico Protests Continue

    White House Silence on Mexico Protests Speaks Volumes,” Christy Thornton – Al Jazeera America, November 20, 2014

    We’re Mad as Hell, and We’re Not Going to Take it Anymore,” Homero Aridjis – The Huffington Post, November 22, 2014

    Don’t Expect an Aztec Spring with Mexico Protests, Analysts Warn,” Karla Zabludovsky – Al Jazeera America, November 22, 2014

    Extra! Extra!

    U.S. Foreign Policy

    How the United States Can Counter the Ambitions of Russia and China,” Ely Ratner and Thomas Wright – The Washington Post, November 21, 2014

    Top Five Washington Assumptions on Mideast That Are Not True,” Andrew J. Bacevich – Informed Comment, November 24, 2014

    The Case for More Congress in American Foreign Policy,” Walter Russell Mead – The American Interest, November 23, 2014

    The Global Energy Market

    New Era of Cheap Oil Tilts Geopolitical Power Toward U.S.,” Rich Miller – Bloomberg, November 19, 2014

    Winners and Losers of Oil War,” Shabbir H. Kazmi – Eurasia Review, November 23, 2014

    Israel Pitches 'Massive' Natural Gas Pipeline Plan to Europe,” Staff Writers – The Times of Israel, November 20, 2014

    Follow Us

    World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh 
    2640 BNY Mellon Center, 500 Grant St., Pittsburgh, PA 15219 
    Ph: 412-281-7970 | 

  • Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:46 PM | Anonymous
    World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh

    Analysis of U.S. foreign policy; opinion on Obama’s engagement in Iraq and overtures to Iran; and views on Israel, Libya, Asia, and Europe. Plus, reflections on Germany 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the potential for a new Cold War… 

    November 12, 2014

    Foreign Policy and the New Congress

    Let’s Get Together, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah: What Obama and a GOP Congress Can do on Foreign Policy,” James Carafano – The Daily Signal, November 9, 2014

    Election Losses Give Obama Weaker Hand Overseas,” Terry Atlas – Bloomberg, November 7, 2014

    Will Obama and Republicans Get Along on Iran, Syria and Russia?” Elise Labott – CNN, November 7, 2014

    What do the U.S. Midterms Mean for Foreign Policy Toward the Americas?” Carl Meacham – Center for Strategic and International Studies, November 6, 2014

    Déjà vu as U.S. Troops Return to Iraq/ISIS

    Barack Obama Doubles US Troop Levels for War Against ISIS in Iraq,” Spencer Ackerman and Tom McCarthy – The Guardian, November 8, 2014

    Double or Nothing on the Islamic State,” James Traub – Foreign Policy, November 7, 2014

    The Spy Who Told Me: Can We Handle the Truth About the Islamic State?,” John McLaughlin –OZY, November 10, 2014

    The Ultimate Fatal Attraction: 5 Reasons People Join ISIS,” Maha Yahya – The National Interest, November 7, 2014

    Obama Reaches Out to Iran

    Letters to the Ayatollah: Why Obama's Latest Outreach to Iran's Supreme Leader Was a Mistake,” Suzanne Maloney – Brookings, November 7, 2014

    Pen-Palling with the Ayatollah,” Trita Parsi – Foreign Policy, November 7, 2014

    A Troubling Letter to an Unbending Ayatollah,” Jeffrey Goldberg – The Atlantic, November 7, 2014

    Obama’s Bet on Iran,” Jackson Diehl – The Washington Post, November 9, 2014


    Netanyahu is Losing Europe’s Goodwill, Even Germany’s,” David Gardner – Financial Times, November 10, 2014


    "The US Ruined Libya," Stephen Kinzer – The Boston Globe, November 7, 2014

    China, the U.S. and Russia

    China’s Russia Power Play,” Tom Risen – U.S. News & World Report, November 10, 2014

    A New Model for China-US Relations?,” Wei Zongyou – The Diplomat, November 10, 2014

    North Korea

    Why North Korea Released Two Americans,” Gordon G. Chang – The Daily Beast, November 8, 2014

    Catalan Independence

    Catalan Leader to Step up Independence Push as 80% Vote to Split From Spain,” Ashifa Kassam –The Guardian, November 10, 2014

    What Catalonia’s Independence Vote Means,” Matthew Moffett – The Wall Street Journal, November 10, 2014


    The Lost Children: France Takes Stock of a Growing Jihadist Problem,” Julia Amalia Heyer – Spiegel Online International, November 6, 2014

    Reflections on the Fall of the Wall – 25 Years Ago

    The Day the Wall Came Down,” Fred Kaplan – Slate, November 7, 2014

    The Free Market Did Not Bring Down the Berlin Wall,” Melvyn P. Leffler – Foreign Policy, November 7, 2014

    Germany Then and Now,” Josef Janning – European Council on Foreign Relations, November 8, 2014

    8 Things That Were Better in East Germany*” Paul Hockenos – Foreign Policy, November 7, 2014

    But, Amidst Celebrations, Warnings of a New Cold War

    Gorbachev Warns World on the Brink of a New Cold War,” Stefan Wagstyl – Financial Times, November 8, 2014

    Close Military Encounters Between Russia and the West 'at Cold War Levels,'” Ewen MacAskill –The Guardian, November 9, 2014

    Follow Us

    World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh 
    2640 BNY Mellon Center, 500 Grant St., Pittsburgh, PA 15219 
    Ph: 412-281-7970 | 

  • Wednesday, October 29, 2014 12:16 PM | Anonymous

    Wednesday, October 29, 2014


    Updates on Ebola and the attack in Canada. Assessing the elections in Brazil and Ukraine. Plus, analysis of developments in Asia and the Middle East.


    Ebola Update

    "Why Wasn't the WHO Ready for Ebola?" Joshua Keating - Slate, October 22, 2014 


    Canada after the Shooting

    "Keep Calm and Carry On, Stephen Harper," Stephen M. Walt - Foreign Policy, October 24, 2014


    "Our Laws are up to the Homegrown Terror Threat," Benjamin Perrin - The Globe and Mail, October 25, 2014


    Parsing Brazil's Election Results

    "Rousseff Must Fight the Second-Term Blues," Jewellord Nem Singh - Real Clear World, October 27, 2014

    "Brazil Election Results: What to Expect From Dilma's Second Term," Kevin Lees - Suffragio, October 26, 2014

    "Under Rousseff or Neves, Brazil's Left Will Remain Powerful," Daniel Lemaitre - Real Clear World, October 26, 2014 


    Ukraine after the Vote

    "Ukraine Votes, With More Strife to Come," Leonid Bershidsky - Bloomberg View, October 27, 2014

    "Ukrainians Vote to Face West," Matt Schiavenza - The Atlantic, October 26, 2014

    "Ukraine Election Exit Polls: The New Parliament Will Resist Putin and Defend Ukraine," Paul Roderick Gregory - Forbes, October 26, 2014

    "And Now For Hybrid Politics," Elizabeth Pond - German Council on Foreign Relations, October 27, 2014 



    "Russia's Empire State of Mind," Pyotr Romanov - The Moscow Times, October 26, 2014

    "Wake Up, Europe," George Soros - The New York Review of Books, November 20, 2014, Volume 61, Number 18

    Watching China

    "Can China Rise Peacefully?" John J. Mearsheimer - The National Interest, October 25, 2014

    "Not Made in China," Nathan Siegel - Ozy, October 28, 2014

    "New Rules for China's War on Terror?" Kendrick Kuo and Johns Hopkins - East Asia Forum, October 25, 2014

    "China Pivots to Europe," Paul Ames - Global Post, October 23, 2014 


    The Koreas

    "North Korea Enlists the Help of Cuba and China in Shielding Kim Jong Un From ICC," Colum Lynch - Foreign Policy, October 24, 2014

    "Korea's Branding Woes," Luke Stanhope - The Diplomat, October 26, 2014


    Postcard from Vietnam

    "Vietnam's Tale of Two Cities," Elisabeth Rosen - The Diplomat, October 24, 2014 


    Tunisia and the Arab Spring

    "Tunisia Boldly Embraces Democracy," Jackson Diehl - The Washington Post, October 26, 2014

    "The Tunisia Model," Brian Klaas and Marcel Dirsus - Foreign Affairs, October 23, 2014 


    ISIS Funding and the Next Generation of Fighters

    "Cutting off ISIS' Cash Flow," Charles Lister - Brookings, October 24, 2014

    "The World's Wealthiest Terrorists," Russell Berman - The Atlantic, October 23, 2014

    "Children of the Caliphate," Kate Brannen - Foreign Policy, October 27, 2014 


    Israel and its Neighbors

    "The Arab World Needs All the Help it Can Get," Jake Wallis Simons - The Jerusalem Post, October 26, 2014


    "Israel's Baffling Policies Only Encourage a Third Intifada," Hussein Ibish - The National, October 25, 2014





    Councils, if you would like to distribute, please visit the WACA Leadership Network and go to Program Resources for an unformatted version of Weekly World News Update.


    Please acknowledge that this product was produced by the World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh and distributed nationwide by the World Affairs Councils of America.


  • Wednesday, October 22, 2014 12:54 PM | Anonymous



    Wednesday, October 22, 2014


    Updates on Iran, ISIS, and Ebola. Plus, analysis and opinion on Hong Kong, Europe, Russia, and America's view of the Muslim world.


    Iranian Nuclear Negotiations

    "On Iran: Congress, Please Step Aside," Navid Hassibi - The National Interest, October 20, 2014


    "Reading Between the Red Lines: An Anatomy of Iran's Eleventh-Hour Nuclear Negotiating Strategy," Suzanne Maloney - Brookings, October 16, 2014


    ISIS Update

    "The Meaning of Kobani," Henri J. Barkey - The American Interest, October 18, 2014


    "What Turkey Wants in the War on ISIS," Ibrahim Kalin - The Wall Street Journal, October 19, 2014


    "Who Will Turkey 'Train and Equip' in Syria?" Sibel Utku Bila - Al Monitor, October 19, 2014


    Putting the Ebola Outbreak in Context

    "What a Past Epidemic Teaches Us About Ebola," Howard Markel - New Republic, October 19, 2014


    "Nigeria is Ebola-Free: Here's What They Did Right," Alexandra Sifferlin - Time, October 19, 2014

    "Britain, U.S. Are in Africa Fighting Ebola. Will Europe Join Them?" Sara Miller Llana - The Christian Science Monitor, October 19, 2014


    "Break in Transmission: How Nigeria Took Control of Ebola," Edward Wright - Real Clear World, October 20, 2014


    "What's Behind Boko Haram 'Truce'?" David Cook - CNN World, October 18, 2014 

    Political Upheaval in Hong Kong

    "The Hong Kong Protesters Who Won't Negotiate," Matt Schiavenza - The Atlantic, October 19, 2014


    "If We Lose This, We Lose Everything," Suzanne Sataline - Foreign Policy, October 17, 2014


    China and Europe

    "Premier's Win-Win Europe Visit," Wang Yiwei - China Daily, October 18, 2014 


    Eurozone's Economic Health

    "Borders and Budgets Could Lay Europe Low," Gideon Rachman - Financial Times, October 20, 2014


    "Why the Eurozone's Woes Have Become the World's Problem," Larry Elliott - The Guardian, October 18, 2014

    "Europe Faces Anti-Austerity Mutiny as Crisis Looms," Patrick Smith - The Fiscal Times, October 20, 2014


    "Eurocrisis Round Two. Blame the Germans Edition," Edward Hugh - EconoMonitor, October 14, 2014 


    Barroso's Parting Words from the European Union

    "Europe's Essential Unity," José Manuel Barroso - Project Syndicate, October 18, 2014


    "Barroso Says Immigration Cap Would Be Against EU Law," Jim Pickard - Financial Times, October 19, 2014 


    Simmering Tensions Between Russia and the West

    "Why Would a Russian Submarine Enter Swedish Waters?" Roland Oliphant - The Telegraph, October 20, 2014


    "Hunting for Red October... in the Stockholm Archipelago," András Simonyi and Erik Brattberg - The Huffington Post, October 20, 2014


    "Putin Defiant in Face of Criticism Over Ukraine at Asia-Europe Summit," Carol J. Williams - Los Angeles Times, October 16, 2014

    "West Needs to Put Up or Shut Up About Ukraine," Mark Adomanis - The Moscow Times, October 19, 2014


    "The Myth of Russian Humiliation," Anne Applebaum - The Washington Post, October 17, 2014 


    America's View of the Muslim World

    "America Needs to Know its Enemies -- and its Friends," James Zogby - The National, October 19, 2014





    Councils, if you would like to distribute, please visit the WACA Leadership Network and go to Program Resources for an unformatted version of Weekly World News Update.


    Please acknowledge that this product was produced by the World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh and distributed nationwide by the World Affairs Councils of America.



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    The World Affairs Councils of America 

    1200 18th St., NW, Suite 902, Washington, DC 20036

    Phone (202) 833-4557  Fax (202) 833-4555

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  • Wednesday, October 08, 2014 11:23 AM | Anonymous


    Wednesday, October 8, 2014


    The latest analysis of the Ebola outbreak, protests in Hong Kong, developments in Latin America and throughout the Middle East. Plus, reflections on Putin's Russia and putting history in context.


    Ebola in the U.S.

    "U.S. Public Response to Ebola Could Echo Early Days of AIDS Epidemic," Lucy Westcott - Newsweek, October 5, 2014

    "As Ebola Spreads to U.S., Pentagon Deploys More Troops to Africa to Fight Outbreak," Kate Brannen and Justine Drennan - Foreign Policy, October 3, 2014  


    Hong Kong Update

    "Why Hong Kong's Economy Can Take on Protesters," Elizabeth Economy - Fortune, October 2, 2014


    "China's Explanation for the Hong Kong Protests? Blame America," Anne Applebaum - The Washington Post, October 3, 2014


    "In Hong Kong, the Democrats Will Go Down Swinging," Patrick Smith - The Fiscal Times, October 6, 2014


    "The Way Ahead in Hong Kong," Chris Patten - Project Syndicate, October 3, 2014


    Latin American Update

    "Why Dilma Rousseff Could Win Brazil's Presidential Election," Mark Weisbrot - The Guardian, October 2, 2014


    "Brazil's Highs and Lows," David Biller - Bloomberg, October 5, 2014


    "Venezuela's Perilous Closeup," Diego Arria - New York Daily News, October 6, 2014

    "The Real Reason It's Nearly Impossible to End the Cuba Embargo," Peter Kornbluh & William M. Leogrande - The Atlantic, October 5, 2014 


    Putin's Russia

    "Putin's View of Power was Formed Watching East Germany Collapse," Mary Elise Sarotte - The Guardian, October 1, 2014


    "What Russia is Learning From Frank Sinatra," Steve Rosenberg - BBC, October 5, 2014

    "Putin is Winning: EU Backs Away From Ukraine Trade Pact; U.S. on the Sidelines," Paul Roderick Gregory - Forbes, October 2, 2014


    Avoiding a New Cold War

    "How to Avoid a New Cold War," Samuel Charap and Jeremy Shapiro - Brookings, October 2014 


    Negotiating with Iran

    "Iran Nuclear Talks: Why Tehran Must Be Brought in From the Cold," Christopher de Bellaigue - The Guardian, October 2, 2014 


    Aiding and Abetting Terrorism

    "Qatar is a U.S. Ally. They Also Knowingly Abet Terrorism. What's Going On?" Lori Plotkin Boghardt - New Republic, October 6, 2014

    "Qatar's Moneymen Behind the Kidnappers," Robert Mendick - The Telegraph, October 5, 2014

    Ongoing ISIS Threat

    "Coalition Risks Loss of Support Unless it Clarifies Its Aims," Hassan Hassan - The National, October 1, 2014

    "Defeating the Islamic State Militarily is Only Half the Battle," Ross Harrison - Middle East Institute, October 3, 2014

    The Middle East

    "Two Speeches and a Tragedy," George Packer - The New Yorker, October 1, 2014

    "The Middle East's Three Timelines," Volker Perthes - Project Syndicate, August 22, 2014

    Reflecting on the Past

    "Who's to Blame for a World in Flames?" Walter Russell Mead - The American Interest, October 6, 2014

    "How to Make and Keep Peace," David P. Goldman - The Federalist, October 2, 2014


    "The Merkel Effect: What Today's Germany Owes to Its Once-Communist East," Dirk Kurbjuweit - Spiegel Online International, October 2, 2014





    Councils, if you would like to distribute, please visit the WACA Leadership Network and go to Program Resources for an unformatted version of Weekly World News Update.


    Please acknowledge that this product was produced by the World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh and distributed nationwide by the World Affairs Councils of America.



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    The World Affairs Councils of America 

    1200 18th St., NW, Suite 902, Washington, DC 20036

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  • Monday, October 06, 2014 2:49 PM | Anonymous


    Anna Berry, Executive Director of the World Affairs Council, was invited on an Intercultural Exchange trip to Turkey this summer on behalf of the Turkish Cultural Center of New Hampshire. The delegation also included academic leaders from Vermont and Maine. During the one-week tour, the group visited Istanbul, Izmir, Neveshir, Kayseri and Konya. In addition to seeing cultural sites, the group also met with local academic institutions and non-profits and enjoyed dinner in local homes (above).

    "It was exciting to experience life in a country that has been at the crossroads of civilization for centuries," Anna Berry said. "I'm grateful to the Turkish Cultural Center for the incredible opportunity!"

    See more photos of the trip below:

    The group toured Mevlana University in Konya and learned about higher education in Turkey.

    The group at a viewpoint overlooking Istanbul and the Bosphorus.

    The group visits Ephesus.

    The group enjoying traditional Turkish kebabs.

  • Friday, September 26, 2014 9:49 AM | Anonymous

    Find out what Google leader Ross LaJeunesse had to say about freedom and power in the digital age by watching video of the 4th annual Global Business Summit online.

  • Monday, September 08, 2014 2:06 PM | Anonymous

    Global Ties US is excited to announce a new program for international students studying in America. International students face countless competing desires to make the most of their experience in the United States, both personally and professionally. While international students want to travel and connect with American families at a more personal level, they are also concerned about securing an internship or job in their chosen fields of study.

    Meet America offers both! It combines meaningful cultural experiences with substantial career preparation for the U.S. job market. APPLY HERE!

  • Monday, September 08, 2014 1:08 PM | Anonymous

    Richard Cary, a retired architect who is living in Boston, recently traveled to Iran as part of the World Affairs Councils of America “Travel the World” program. Cary, currently a member of the World Affairs Council of NH, worked and lived abroad on four continents and has learned 3 languages. Living and traveling abroad has been an important part of both his and his late wife’s life for nearly 60 years.

    Cary’s life as an architect peaked his interest in how people design and construct their living environment, historically and contemporary. The most interesting things he found while he was in Iran was the Persepolis, which is the ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire. He also found the citadel, and the traditional garden of Bagh-e Tarikhi very interesting.

    Cary describes the openness and friendliness of the people as being surprising to him, and he believes that the present regime cannot suppress these people for long. He felt that the trip lacked a social and daily aspect of how the urban dwellers of Iran live. He wished he was able to see the daily life and experience school, home, worship, shopping, and community activity to see the way everyone on that side of the world is living in comparison to our everyday lives.

    Cary has read extensively about Islam, and lived in the Arab part of the world, The many talks on the Persians and subsequent reading have certainly enriched his understanding and he is grateful for the experience to have been able to travel with the World Affairs Council on this trip to Iran.

    His trip to Iran with the World Affairs Council was what he thought would be interesting as a member of the World Affairs Council of NH, but also to just be with the group of other members who would be going on the trip, of whom he thought would be interesting unto themselves. He wanted to “explore and ageless culture in a format I hoped I could tolerate. It worked. Consider this a bucket-list adventure.” 

    ABOVE: One of the many travel groups that visited Iran, thanks to the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia. Your local Council partners with Philadelphia to bring these unique travel opportunities to YOU- check out all the trips offered here.

  • Monday, September 08, 2014 12:44 PM | Anonymous

    At the Council's annual meeting in June, members elected four new trustees for three-year terms. Welcome! Read more about our new Board Members below.

       Charles Davis Farmer, East Kingston

    Davis Farmer is Founder and Chairman of MSM Protein Technologies based in Woburn, MA and Russia. MSM is the pre-eminent company for the discovery of antibodies to complex cell membrane proteins. He holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Vermont. Davis is past Chair of Squamscott Community Commons and founding member of the board of the New Hampshire BioMedical Council. He also serves as NH Commercial Consul to Australia and New Zealand.

       Thomas Hildreth, Hollis

    Tom is Director and Chair of Immigration & Law Practice Group at McLane Law Firm. He has been counseling a diverse mix of closely-held business clients for nearly 20 years. In addition, Tom has substantial experience in  real estate development, telecommunications, and franchise law. He has served as President of the Nashua Association for the Elderly; Trustee of the Beaver Brook Association; Member of the Board of Advisors at First Colebrook Bank; Founding Member of the Hollis-Brookline Rotary Club; and Selectman, Treasurer and Member of the Strategic Planning and Budget committees for the Town of Hollis.

       Geoff Moody, Dunbarton

    Geoff Moody is the Associate Vice President of International Programs at SNHU.  Geoff's work revolves around international education and he has extensive experience living and working abroad.  He spent over a decade in Europe, living for eight years in northern Italy with shorter stints in Barcelona, Paris, and Greece.  Prior to his position at SNHU, Geoff was the Director of International Recruitment at Green River College in Washington State and Director of the International Center at Hawaii Pacific University.  Geoff holds a Bachelor's degree in Biology from New Mexico State University and an MBA from the University of Washington.

       Virginia Szymanowski, Bedford

    Ginny Szymanowski graduated magna cum laude from Boston University in 1974, earned an MBA with distinction from Babson College in 1980 and an MS in taxation from Bentley College in 1991.  Ginny is a certified public accountant and member of the American Institute of CPAs. After beginning her career with the audit staff at Peat, Marwick, Mitchell, & Co in Boston, she later entered the non-profit sector, serving as Director of Finance at the NH Historical Society and Families First of the Greater Seacoast Health Center; and Chief of Staff at US FIRST.  Ginny, along with her husband Joe, has hosted many groups of foreign visitors through WACNH.  Ginny and Joe are also supporters of the Currier Museum of Art, the NH Historical Society, US FIRST, Manchester Historic Association, the NH Institute of Art, the Manchester Community Music School and Canterbury Shaker Village.


795 Elm Street, Suite 204 - Manchester - NH - 03101 - (603) 823-3408

WACNH is an independent, non-profit, educational organization. 

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