International Visitors Program Hosts Pakistani Group to Exchange Ideas on Fighting Substance Abuse
Last month, the World Affairs Council of New Hampshire hosted its first ever International Visitor Leadership Program on Drug Use Reduction. This group, sponsored by the US Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, visited the U.S. on a three week study tour to learn about how we are combating drug addiction. With New Hampshire struggling through the opioid crisis for the past several years, the state was well positioned to highlight effective programs for prevention, treatment, and recovery.
“Pakistan is always 20 years behind the US in terms of problems, with the solutions coming another 20 years later," one visitor remarked. "Now we have the opportunity to see exactly what is going on in the U.S. so we can get a handle on these issues much sooner.”
The Pakistani group's was particularly inspired by the Safe Stations program at the Manchester Fire Department, which opens all 10 fire stations in the city as safe havens for drug addicts who don’t know where else to turn. They were amazed at the ingenuity of EMS Officer Chris Hickey in designing this program and the partnerships necessary to make it work. Many discussions were held during, and after, the meeting about how to build these relationships, so they can have the same success back in Pakistan.
After two days of intense meetings, the group left New Hampshire with a better understanding of our challenges and successes. Their travels to D.C., Ohio, Texas, and Florida also allowed them to see the diversity of the country and responses to a crisis that is reaching every sector of society. They returned home at the end of August energized and full of new ideas to help those ready to end their addictions.
Survey Shows: Young People Don't Understand the World
Help us more students be prepared for our global future- like Souhegan's winning Academic WorldQuest team- by making a gift!
A new survey from National Georgraphic and the Council on Foreign Relations on global literacy finds big gaps between what young people understand about today’s world and what they need to know to successfully navigate and compete in it.
Less than half of American college-aged students could name the world’s most prevalent language (Mandarin) and an even smaller number could identify Muslim-majority countries. However, nearly three-quarters of young people report that they want to be informed about world history, foreign cultures and global events and those topics are increasingly important to them.
We’re proud to give local students opportunities to increase their global knowledge and engagement, whether its meeting international visitors in their classroom or testing their skills at Academic WorldQuest. We believe in the power of global education and understanding to make a difference here and abroad, and we know you do too. Together, we will ensure New Hampshire’s current and future generations can thrive within the global economy.
Help us bring the world to NH in 2017 and beyond! We need to raise $5,000 by December 31 for our Annual Fund, which supports dozens of free educational programs on world affairs. Thank you for your support!
Academic WorldQuest Registration Opening SOON!
Registration for NH's 3rd annual Academic WorldQuest competition will be opening soon! If you know any high school teachers or students, please let them know about this unique and exciting opportunity to expand their global knowledge in a fun yet competitive atmosphere. The competition will be held on Sunday, March 12, 2017 at Southern New Hampshire University. This team competition test high school students' knowledge of global issues and foreign policy,
International visitors from India celebrate the 4th of July by attending a parade in Merrimack.
International Visitors from all over the world meet with New Hampshire Community Seafood to talk about community sourced fish and how it can help support both the local community and the fishing community.
Community Events Calendar
NH Highland Games & Festival
THIS WEEKEND! Friday, September 16 to Sunday, September 18 - 8 AM-5 PM daily
Loon Mountain in Lincoln, NH
One of the largest and most diverse Highland Games held in the United States. This celebration of Scottish heritage is held each year at Loon Mountain Resort in the White Mountains of New Hampshire and includes Scottish Heavy Athletics, Highland dancing and much more! MORE INFORMATION
Cuba Si! Exhibit - Portsmouth Public Library Exhibit: September 1-30
The show will highlight paintings, prints and iconic movie posters produced in Cuba, as well as photographs of Cuba by local Seacoast photographers.
More information
World Affairs Councils of America National Conference: America and Global Megatrends - November 16-18 in Washington D.C.
For more than two decades, the World Affairs Councils of America's annual conference has presented top government officials, diplomats, business executives, civic leaders, think tank policy experts and journalists to a national audience. Council leaders and members from WACA's 95 affiliates across the country engage with these speakers and thought leaders over the course of three stimulating days in our nation's capital. Registration Now Open!
* Events listed here and on our website are not necessarily endorsed or supported by WACNH but we like to share information that might be of interest from other community organizations! To see all upcoming events, visit our Community Events page online and follow us on Facebook! *
World Affairs Council of New Hampshire
SNHU - 2500 North River Road - Manchester - NH - 01306 - 603.314.7970 -
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