After feedback and discussions with Councils, beginning this 2018-2019 Academic WorldQuest season, WACA will allow composite teams to compete in the National Competition in April 2019. Up to two high schools or affiliations may make up each Council's team. Each team of four must be composed of enrolled students in a local high school or equivalent certificate program in the Council's region.
This new policy will be on a trial basis for one year, after which WACA will elicit feedback and reevaluate on whether to continue the initiative in future years.
This year's AWQ Study Guide is now available, along with more information about the Carlos and Malu Alvarez 2018 Academic WorldQuest National Competition, to be held Saturday, April 27, 2019.
WACA has secured a group hotel block at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel. Reserve your room today!
Interested in hosting your first Academic WorldQuest? We can advise you on best practices! Click here to read the AWQ Operations Paper and more or contact Drew Lorelli at the WACA office at 202-833-4557.