The Santa Fe Council on International Relations will launch their third annual policy simulation for high school students. In 2018, a natural disaster destroyed the energy infrastructure of the developing country Xlandia. Half of the students were parliamentarians, and half were lobbyists, representing the oil and gas industry, the nuclear power industry, and the solar and wind renewables sector. To top it off, personality cards were introduced an hour into the simulation - and suddenly some of the parliamentarians found themselves in tricky positions of bribery or compromise...
In 2019, SFCIR will turn to climate change as the guiding theme, with the simulation dovetailing perfectly into the community speaker series on climate change, which will kick off in October 2018 with a trio of seminars and talks featuring several world-class speakers.
One student reported last year that it "was the best thing he'd ever done in school." SFCIR considers it their flagship educational program, sitting proudly alongside the High School Fellowship Program (for women of color in public schools) and Academic WorldQuest.
SFCIR welcomes all WACA members to their Journalism under Fire summit in December - at special member rates.