Wednesday, January 31, 2018
State of U.S. Foreign Policy; What's Next for Syria?; New Fighting in Yemen; Rohingya Continue to Suffer; Kenya: Off Air
Quote of the Week:
"A great American leader will fashion strategies that ensure ISIS and al Qaeda don't return. A great American leader will remember that it is our values that distinguish us most, and mean we must stand up to the genuine threat that the People's Republic of China and Putin's Russia represent. If that leadership and those values were what you were listening for, you were sorely disappointed."
-- Danielle Pletka, Senior Vice President of Foreign and Defense Policy Studies at the American Enterprise Institute, in an interview with PBS Newshour about President Trump's State of the Union Address on Tuesday.
The State of U.S. Foreign Policy
"President Trump Talked Tough on North Korea in the State of the Union. Here's Where Things Stand" Elizabeth Saunders -- The Washington Post, January 31, 2018
"In State of the Union, Trump Goes Where Kim Jong Un Fears Most: Human Rights" Gordon Chang -- Daily Beast, January 31, 2018
"How Might Trump's Speech Play in North Korea, China?" Editorial Board -- CBS, January 31, 2018
"The State of Defense: Time for Trump to Put the Money Where His Mouth Is" Mackenzie Eaglen -- American Enterprise Institute, January 31, 2018
"After Credibility: American Foreign Policy in the Trump Era" Keren Yarhi-Milo -- Foreign Affairs, January/February, 2018
After Sochi, What's Next for Syria?
New Fighting Erupts in Yemen
Rohingya Continue to Suffer
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