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Board Members Honored at Annual Meeting

Friday, July 24, 2015 11:01 AM | Anonymous

Board Secretary Joan Reische (L) and Board President Kathryn Muirhead (R) were recognized for their years of service to the council.

At our Annual Meeting, held on June 15 at our office in the Ford House, we reflected on the World Affairs Council of New Hampshire's 60th year.  We worked harder than ever to expand our critical work across the state by holding numerous events, developing new education programs, and hosting 303 international visitors for professional development.  
At the meeting, we also took time to recognize two board members who have greatly contributed to the success of the council in recent years.  Kathryn Muirhead was presented with a honorary gavel to thank her for her six years of service as the WACNH Board President.  Her term will end in September, when we will welcome Steven A. Solomon as the new President. Board Secretary Joan Reische was given the President's Award in recognition of her service to the Council.  

We also welcomed a group of International Visitors from all over Europe to our meeting, which was followed a BBQ and potluck.  Despite the rainy weather, all managed to have a wonderful time!  Thanks to all members and friends who came out to celebrate yet another successful year!
All members should have received a copy of the 2014 Annual Report in their mailboxes. If not, please contact our office ( or 603.314.7970). One correction to the report: Dan Scanlon, of Colliers International, should have been listed as a member.


795 Elm Street, Suite 204 - Manchester - NH - 03101 - (603) 823-3408

WACNH is an independent, non-profit, educational organization. 

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