On this week’s IVLP Alumni Spotlight, we would like to showcase Haya Rawi and all of her great work! Rawi was so grateful to be a participant in a virtual 2022 IVLP on the topic of "Advancing Disability in Inclusive Democracy". She and five other participants from Lebanon were able to virtually connect with diverse NH professional resources to share best practices and learn more about how these organizations navigate creating an inclusive environment for all individuals' needs.
We hope you all enjoy learning more from Haya's own words below:
"I work as a Disability Inclusion Advisor with the International Committee of the Red Cross Lebanon in the Physical Rehabilitation Program. My role is to ensure the inclusion and full participation of Persons with Disability through access to societal integration program including disability sports, socio economic project, and disability awareness.
Since I was born, my impairment (upper limb amputation) was my motivation to be strong enough and to challenge myself and society. My Architecture background has enhanced my skills related to Physical Accessibility for Persons with Disability in the WASH and Shelter sectors.
I have been working in the field of inclusion for People with Disabilities (PwD) since 2016. I worked with Humanity & Inclusion (Handicap International) for two and a half years, and then I joined the ICRC as a Disability Inclusion Adviser starting in March of 2019. Working in the Humanitarian field helped me in challenging life circumstances, accept my impairment and take it as a motivation to support others especially persons with disabilities.
I am grateful for being part of the IVLP program. It was a great opportunity to learn from US experiences and participants’/Colleagues' experiences. The best moment was learning about the disability field in US and mainly related to inclusive diplomacy. For instance, how several states are applying inclusive practices to ensure the participation of Persons with Disability in the election. I learned something new that in the USA the organizations are the key actors in all humanitarian work. It is not only the role of the government. They implement projects and monitor the work of the government/policies. We worked on a project about drafting new law for the Rights of Persons with Disability in Lebanon, in partnership with two Organizations of Persons with Disability (OPD) following the United Nation Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disability (UNCRPD). So, after the IVLP program, we emphasized the article related to inclusive democracy. We added more details about accessibility for Persons with Disability during the election.
Last year I started with creating a content on Instagram about my daily life as a person with Disability to raise awareness. I share reels/pictures about doing things with one hand as a person with upper limb amputation for example: cooking, driving, typing, and dressing…etc. Now I have around 4700 followers, and I am looking forward to having more followers and influence people.
My personal Instagram Account: hayarawi"

Thank you so much for all you do with advocacy efforts to ensure everyone has their needs heard and met effectively! We cannot wait to see all of the great work you continue to dedicate countless hours to, you truly are a role model!
If readers would like to learn more, please follow a few additional links that Haya has shared with us below:
The I Can't Stand Podcast - Haya Rawi: Living With A Disability In Lebanon
MCID Country of the Month Spotlight
Direct Link to Haya's Instagram Page