About the Program
The past several years have seen massive shifts in the world of work, as the pandemic showed that many jobs could successfully move to remote locations, while others were required to increase health and safety measure to avoid disruptions to their production. This continues an ongoing trend of technological change, which has exacerbated the inequality in the current structure of work. With technology creating change at a faster rate than ever, companies embracing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) principals in the workplace, and governments working to leverage comparative advantages and limit disruptions to their own economies, now is the time to look at the future of work.
Kevin Cassidy, Director and Representative to the Bretton Woods and Multilateral Organizations at the International Labour Organization (ILO), will join the World Affairs Council of New Hampshire for an insightful discussion on how corporations, workers, and governments can come together to ensure success for businesses and communities. Leaning on the success of the ILO's tripartite (government, workers, and business leaders) structure, he will provide the audience with key insights into how these three levels can come together to build positive relationships and create new solutions that will benefit the entire community.
This program brings together community leaders who are interested in creating the conditions necessary for human centered workplaces. Members of the public, business leaders, government policy makers, and anyone concerned with a strong and functioning economy will find positive insights from attending this program.
Audience members have the opportunity to engage with this program both in-person and online. After the event, a recording of the discussion will be made available.
About the Speaker
With nearly 4 decades of international development experience, is currently the Director and Representative to the Bretton Woods and Multilateral Organizations for the International Labour Organization (ILO) Office for the United States.
Prior to this appointment, Mr. Cassidy served as the Senior Communications and Economic and Social Affairs Officer for 11 years in the ILO Office for the United Nations with additional responsible for partnerships in North America.
During this time, Mr. Cassidy worked with member States to organise Heads of State/Government and Ministerial level events highlighting decent work as well as introducing policy language on key development issues into the resolutions and outcomes documents of the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee and the Commissions of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
Before his assignment to New York, Mr. Cassidy was the Chief Technical Adviser for the ILO’s Global Campaign on Promoting Fundamental Rights at Work. During that time he developed numerous communication initiatives in over 40 countries such as interactive radio and television programmes as well as training journalists on communicating locally on decent work, child labour, forced labour, discrimination and the freedom of association.
Prior to joining the ILO, Mr. Cassidy worked for the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF-UK) in London as the Operations, Communications and Partnership Director. His work with the AKF-UK focused on rural and community-based development in Central and South Asia.
Mr. Cassidy has worked in several UN offices during his career including the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) on the issue of landmines, the Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance (OCHA), the Executive Office of the Secretary-General (Boutros Boutros-Ghali and Ban Ki-moon), the UN Department of Public Information and the UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS), New York.
Mr. Cassidy holds a Masters’ of Economic and Political Development from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs.
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